Social Media

Instagram is the Dart's main and most important social media platform. As E.I.C., I wanted to put a greater emphasis on using this platform to the Dart's advantage. Above is an example of a series posted via Instagram called "Meet the Staff," where the student body can become acquainted with the faces behind their publication.
This is the first year where the Dart has used Instagram stories to collect sources and connect to the student body through various promotions of content. You can see an example of these stories to the left, created by my Instagram Editor and cleared by me and my co-editor before posting.
After the end of each cycle during distribution, we also emphasize personal marketing to expand the audience of interactions with stories. An example of some of my personal marketing posts can be seen to the right.
Snapchat & Twitter
Snapchat and Twitter are utilized to promote content published on our website. Specifically, with Snapchat, this platform is often used for staffer takeovers. For two consecutive years now, I use Snapchat to teach the student body about the eight nights of Channukah. At a predominantly Catholic school, I find it important to use platforms to teach the student body about other faiths -- for reference, I am Jewish. An example of these takeovers, from this year, can be seen below:
Channukah Takeover

Personal Marketing


In our most recent cycle, the Dart implemented two forms of accountability for our social media team: the spreadsheet above and utilizing the platform "Hootsuite." This overall has streamlined our social media coverage and has allowed each platform to work in chorus with the others. It also allows me as an E.I.C. and my advisor to keep track of the wording and images being displayed to our public audience.

Dart News Online is the Dart's online content source. This year, the website won fifth place in the National Student Press Association Best of Show.
Below is an example of an online package I created utilizing both text and video to bring an interactive component to interviews that is not usually present. This package covers how different leaders in the St. Teresa's community have grown over the course of the year since the first COVID-19 shutdown the school implemented last March. I believed that hearing and seeing these leaders speak on their experiences would bring an overall more personal touch to the piece. This is the first time the Dart has done a multimedia package online in this form.